
Orion Capsule Returns to Earth Safely

This event brings an end to the Artemis 1 moon mission. The Orion Capsule has landed in the pacific ocean safely. Welcome back Orion!

Quick note before we start, It has been a while since this event happened. I had just took a break. Anyway enough notes, Lets get started.

The Orion Capsule has landed in the pacific ocean at 12:40 p.m. eastern time. Orion had splashed down in the Pacific Ocean off the Baja California. This mission had broke a NASA record by travelling over 1.4 million miles going around the moon and slightly into deep space.

“With Orion safely returned to Earth we can begin to see our next mission on the horizon which will fly crew to the Moon for the first time as a part of the next era of exploration,” said Jim Free, NASA associate administrator for the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate. This sparks the thought of Artemis 2 and beyond

Speaking of sparking thoughts of Artemis 2 and beyond, We still don’t know what is going to happen. For now, I hope it will be a manned moon flyby. Stay tuned for more

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